What if a greater honoring of YOU, could lead to 
expanding your business?

Join us for a FREE 4 day journey into exploring the relationship between self-love/devotion/honoring and growing your business. 


"Valued Leader"
4 Day Tactical Magic Journey

Will cover:

CLEARING your energy around anything that arises so you can show up as more of you.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT as an antidote to burnout, and an igniter of deep connection.

ALCHEMY to transmute setbacks into breakthroughs and use words to create reality.

INVITATION as a foundation for how you show up, and how you magnetize your clients.

How does this work?

October 23rd - 26th

9-9:30am Pacific time / 12-12:30pm Eastern

We'll have 4 Days of short 30min. LIVE Zoom calls.

3 prize winners chosen randomly from live call participants each day. Must show up live for a chance to win the daily prize!

Replays available for purchase - LIVE attendance suggested!

You are powerful and magnetic!

"There is nothing I love more than helping powerful leaders, visionaries, and healers, make a larger impact in the world by overcoming the stuckness and struggle so they can reach more of their soul-mate clients.

Your people are waiting for you to show up loud enough, with a frequency that resonates and a message that lands, so they can open that door and receive from you.

Let’s turn your magic all the way the F*** 'ON' so your people are magnetized to your brilliance."

-Molly Mandelberg, Business Magician and Creator of Magnitude at Wild Hearts Rise Up 


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"The Valued Leader" 
4-Day Tactical Magic Journey

We would never share your information. You can unsubscribe at any time.